Sunday March 9, 2025

Principal Investigator and CREST Director

Dr. Naphtali Rishe
Professor and Director of High Performance Database Research Center, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Office Info: ECS 243, 305-348-2025

Co-Principal Investigators

Dr. Malek Adjouadi
Professor and Director of the CATE Center, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Computer Vision, Image Processing, Brain-Computer Interfacing, EEG-Brain Research, Microprocessor Design
Office Info: CEAS 2672, 305-348-3019
E-mail: Malek.Adjouadi@fiu.edu

Dr. Armando Barreto
Professor and Director of the Digital Signals Processing Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests: Microprocessor applications, 3D Sound Synthesis Digital and analog electronic circuits
Office Info: CEAS 3956, 305-348-3711
E-mail: Armando.Barreto@fiu.edu

Dr. Xudong He
Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Software Engineering, Formal Specification & Verification, Software Testing, Petri Nets
Office Info: ECS 318, 305-348-6036

Dr. Shu-Ching Chen
Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Distributed Multimedia Database Systems Database Management Data Mining Multimedia Communications and Networking GIS
Office Info: ECS 362, 305-348-3480
E-mail: chens@cis.fiu.edu


Dr. Yi Deng

Senior Investigators

Dr. Peter Clarke,
Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Software Testing, Software Metrics, Software Maintenance, Model-Driven Software Development
Office Info: ECS 212A, 305-348-2440
E-mail: clarkep@cis.fiu.edu

Dr. Tao Li, Associate Professor,
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Bioinformatics
Office Info: ECS 318, 305-348-6036
E-mail: taoli@cis.fiu.edu

Dr. Christine Lisetti,
Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Affective Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Robot Interaction, Social Informatics
Office Info: ECS 361, 305-348-6242
E-mail: lisetti@cis.fiu.edu

Dr. Jason Liu,
Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Modeling and Simulation, Computer Networks, Parallel Computing, Parallel Discrete Event Simulation, High-performance Simulation and Modeling of Large-scale Communication Networks
Office Info: ECS 261, 305-348-1625
E-mail: liux@cis.fiu.edu

Dr. Raju Rangaswami,
Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Storage Systems, Operating Systems, Real-Time Systems, Computer Security
Office Info: ECS 310, 305-348-6230
E-mail: raju@cis.fiu.edu

Dr. S. Masoud Sadjadi,
Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: Software Engineering, Distributed Computing Systems, Autonomic Computing, Pervasive Computing Grid Computing
Office Info: ECS 212C, 305-348-1835
E-mail: sadjadi@cis.fiu.edu

Dr. Zhenyu Yang,
Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Research Interests: 3D and Mobile Communication Systems, Medical Imaging and Modeling, Distributed Systems Management in Smart Grids, Information Visualization and Analytics in Disaster Management
Office Info: ECS 314, 305-348-1614
E-mail: yangz@cis.fiu.edu

CREST Program Management

Dr. Scott Graham, CREST Program Coordinator
Assistant Director, Research Programs, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Office Info: ECS 243B, 305-348-3946
E-mail: grahams@cis.fiu.edu

Mr. Steven Luis, CREST IT Coordinator
Director of IT/Business Relations, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Office Info: ECS 282, 305-348-6215
E-mail: luiss@cis.fiu.edu

Ms. Stephanie Strange, CREST Outreach Coordinator
Assistant Director of Recruitment and Retention, College of Engineering and Computing
Office Info: EC 2474, 305-348-1635
E-mail: Stephanie.Strange@fiu.edu

Ms. Martha Gutierrez,
Manager, High Performance Database Research Center
Office Info: ECS 263, 305-348-6262
E-mail: gutierrm@fiu.edu

Dr. Melvin Ayala
Lab Manager, CATE
Office Info: EC 2220, 305-348-7054
E-mail: Melvin.Ayala@fiu.edu

Mr. Mingjin Zhang,
Manager, TerraFly Lab
Office Info: ECS 238, 305-348-6239
E-mail: zhangm@cis.fiu.edu

Mr. Eric Johnson,
Systems/Networking Manager, School of Computing and Information Sciences
Office Info: ECS 258, 305-348-4021
E-mail: esj@cis.fiu.edu

External Advisory Board

Ms. Brigitte Anschuetz, WW SOA Client Engagement Director, SOA Advanced Technology, IBM SWG

Mr. Jaime Borras, CEO, Wireless Silicon Group and Senior Fellow at Motorola Mobile Devices

Mr. Ruben Bravo, Consultant at Kennetropy, LLC and former Director, Microsoft LatAm

Dr. John Ciampa, Founder, ALTA, Inc. and Pictometry, Inc.

Dr. Oscar Garcia, Professor and Founding Dean (2003-2008), College of Engineering, University of North Texas

Dr. Roy Gerber, Managing Member, L3W, LLC

Dr. Abraham Kandel, Professor and Director, National Institute for Applied Computational Intelligence, University of South Florida

Dr. John A.N. Lee, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Tadao Murata, University Distinguished Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago

Mr. Ravi M. Ugale, Managing Director, Catalyst Financial

Mr. Daniel Wainmann, CEO, Location World

Internal Advisory Board

Dr. Douglas Wartzok, Provost

Dr. Kevin O'Shea, Interim Dean, University Graduate School

Dr. Rosa Jones, Vice President for Student Affairs and Undergraduate Education

Dr. Amir Mirmiran, Executive Dean, College of Engineering and Computing

Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Executive Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Medicine

Dr. S.S. Iyengar, Director, School of Computing and Information Sciences

Mr. Juan Caraballo, Program Director, LA Grid, IBM Corporation, Corporate University and Innovation Programs

EAB 2012 Agenda

"CREST research has resulted in significant growth of our computing-related doctoral programs."
Modesto A. Maidique
FIU President

"The Center's research agenda is bold, forward looking...[and will] create a highly competitive research center capable of training students who possess critical research and technology skills in technical areas that are greatly needed if the United States is to stay competitve in the global IT markeplace."
cholas S. Bowen, Ph.D.
VP of Strategy and Worldwide Operations, IBM Research

"By applying its research to themes critical to the State of Florida, such as disaster management, healthcare for our diverse population, and universal access to information systems, we believe that the Center will enable technology creation that will help keep the United States and Florida competitive in the increasingly-global IT marketplace."
Pete Martinez
Chairman, Florida Research Consortium

"Together we have already established a brain research laboratory and an optical imaging laboratory..."
Raul Herrera, MD.
Chief Research Officer, Miami Children's Hospital

This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers HRD-0317692 and HRD-0833093. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2003-2010 Florida International University