Sunday March 9, 2025

  • Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M., Zong, NN, Lizarraga, G., and Rossman, M. "Classification of Leukemia Blood Samples Using Neural Networks", ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, p. 1473, vol. 38, (2010).

  • Ayala, M., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., and Barreto, A. "A Windows-Based Interface for Teaching Image Processing", COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, p. 213, vol. 18, (2010).

  • Cary, A., Wolfson, O., and Rishe, N. "Efficient and Scalable Method for Processing Top-k Spatial Boolean Queries", 22nd International Conference On Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2010), (2010).

  • Chang, L., and He, X. "A Multi-Agent Model for a Business Continuity Information Network", (2010). International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE10)

  • Chen, Y., Adjouadi, M., Han, CA, Wang, J., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., and Andrian, J. "A highly accurate and computationally efficient approach for unconstrained iris segmentation", IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING, p. 261, vol. 28, (2010).

  • Erazo, M. A., and Liu, J. "A model-driven emulation approach to large-scale TCP performance evaluation", International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, (2010).

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Augmented Hankel Total Least-Squares Decomposition of Head-Related Transfer Functions", JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY, p. 3, vol. 58, (2010).

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., and He, X. "A Model-driven Approach for Runtime Assurance of Software Architecture Mode", International Journal of Computer and Network Security, (2010).

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., Bording, P., and He, X. "Towards rewriting semantics of software architecture specification", (2010). Editor(s): Pawel Pawlewski
    Petri Nets: Applications.
    INTEH, ISBN: 978-953-307-047-6

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "An affective sensing approach through pupil diameter processing and SVM classification", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 331, vol. 46, (2010).

  • Gupta, N., Joshi, M., Barreto, A., and Agudelo, J. C. "HRTF Database at FIU DSP Lab", (2010). Proceedings of ICASSP 2010, The 2010 IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.

  • Hristidis, V., Chen, S., Li, T., Luis, S., and Deng, Y. "Survey of Data Management and Analysis in Disaster Situations", Journal of Systems and Software, (2010).

  • Li, L., Li, T., Wang, D., and Chao, S. "Ontology-enriched Multi-Document Summarization in Disaster Management", (2010). 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR International Conference

  • Morales, J. A., Clarke, P. J., and Deng, Y. "Identification of File Infecting Viruses through Detection of Self-Reference Replication", Journal of Computer Virology, (2010).

  • Tito, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P., and Adjouadi, M. "A Comparative Study of Intracranial EEG Files Using Nonlinear Classification Methods", ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, p. 187, vol. 38, (2010).

  • Wang, D., Li, T., Zhu, S. and Gong,Y. "iHelp: An Intelligent Online Helpdesk System", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, (2010).

  • Wang, J., Barreto, A., Wang, L., Chen, Y., Rishe, N., Andrian, J., and Adjouadi, M. "Multilinear Principal Component Analysis for Face Recognition with Fewer Features", Neurocomputing, p. 1550, vol. 73, (2010).

  • Zeng, R., and He, X. "Analyzing a Formal Specification of Mondex using Model Checking", (2010). International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing

  • Zheng, L., Shen, C., Tang, L., Li, T., Luis, S., Chen, S., and Hristidis, V. "Using Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Information Exchange Needs in Disaster Affected Public-Private Networks", (2010). The 16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD 2010)

  • Adjouadi, M., You, X. Z., Guillen, M., Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M., Jayakar, P., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., Sullivan, J., Dlugos, D., Berl, M., VanMeter, J., Morris, D., Donner, E., Bjornson, B., Smith, M., Bernal, B., Gaillard, W.D. "Integrating Nonlinear Decision Functions With Principal Component Analysis In Fmri Language Activation Patterns Classification", Epilepsia, p. 212, vol. 50, (2009).

  • Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M., Tito, M., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M. "A spreadsheet application for processing long-term EEG recordings", COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, p. 844, vol. 39, (2009).

  • Ayala, M., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Tito, M., G. Lizarraga, "Detecting Electrodes Leading to Seizure from Subdural EEG using Spectral Phase Analysis towards Seizure Prediction", (2009). CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 18-21, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.

  • Barreto, A., and Felzer, T. "Guest Editorial", ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, p. 7:1, vol. 2, (2009).

  • Barreto, A., Faller II, K.J., and Adjouadi, M. "3D Sound for Human-Computer Interaction: Regions with Different Limitations in Elevation Localization", (2009). Proceedings of ASSETS 2009, The Eleventh International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.
    October 26-28, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Pages 211 - 212

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P. "Subdural Interictal EEG Analysis for Extracting Discriminating Features Towards Electrode Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks", (2009). Editor(s): Ines C. Girard and Jade S., andre Brain Mapping Research Progress.
    ISBN: 1604567848

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Tito, M., Lizarraga, G. "Coherence Analysis of Subdural EEG towards the Delineation of Electrodes that Initiates Epileptic Seizures", (2009). CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 22-25, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.

  • Cary, A., Sun, Z. G., Hristidis, V., Rishe, N., Experiences on Processing Spatial Data with MapReduce, "JUN 02-04, 2009", Scientific And Statistical Database Management, Proceedings, 5566: 302-319 2009

  • Chatterjee, K., Sadjadi, S. M., and Chen, S. "Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments - Integrated Systems", (2009). A Distributed Multimedia Data Management over the Grid.

  • Chen, Y., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., Andrian, J., A Computational Efficient Iris Extraction Approach in Unconstrained Environments, "SEP 28-30, 2009", 2009 IEEE 3RD International Conference On Biometrics: Theory, Applications And Systems, : 17-23 2009

  • Chen, Y., Adjouadi, M., Han, CA, Barreto, A., A New Unconstrained Iris Image Analysis And Segmentation Method In Biometrics, "JUN 28-JUL 01, 2009", 2009 IEEE International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: From Nano To Macro, Vols 1 And 2, : 13-16 2009

  • Chin, C. A., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Integration of EMG and EGT Modalities for the Development of an Enhanced Cursor Control System", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, p. , vol. 18, (2009). 399

  • Delgado, J., Joselli, M., Stanzani, S., Sadjadi, S. M., Clua, E., and Alvarez, H. "A learning and collaboration platform based on SAGE", (2009). 14th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE 2009)

  • Ding, J., Clarke, P., Argote, G., and He, X. "A Methodology for Evaluating Test Adequacy Coverage Criteria of High Level Petri Nets", Information and Software Technology, (2009).

  • Ding, J., and He, X. "Formal Specification and Analysis of an Agent-Based Medical Image Processing System", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, (2009).

  • Ezenwoye, O., Viswanathan, B., Sadjadi, S. M., Fong, L., Dasgupta, G., and Kalayci, S., "Task decomposition for adaptive data staging in workflows for distributed environments", (2009). 21st International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2009)

  • Erazo, MA, Li, Y., Liu, J., SVEET! A Scalable Virtualized Evaluation Environment for TCP, "APR 06-08, 2009", 2009 5TH International Conference On Testbeds And Research Infrastructures For The Development Of Networks &, Communities, : 263-272 2009

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Rishe, N. "A new inverse processing approach to the modelling of head-related transfer functions for audio spatialization", Inverse Problems In Science And Engineering, p. 51, vol. 17, (2009).

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., Decomposition Of Head-Related Transfer Functions Based On The Hankel Total Least Squares Method, "Jan 04-07, 2009", 2009 IEEE 13th Digital Signal Processing Workshop &Amp, 5th IEEE Processing Education Workshop, Vols 1 And 2, Proceedings, : 161-166 2009

  • Gaillard, W.D., You, X., Bernal, B., Guillen, M. R., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., Sullivan, J., Dlugos, D., Berl, MM, VanMeter, J., Morris, D., Donner, E., Bjornson, B., Smith, M., and Adjouadi, M., Pediatric Functional Imaging Consortium: Sub-Patterns Of Language Dominance In Pediatric Localization Related Epilepsy Identified By Data Driven Separation Analysis, "DEC 04-08, 2009", EPILEPSIA, 50: 437-437 Suppl. 11 NOV 2009

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., Comparison Of Pupillary Light Reflex System Modeling With H-infinity AND LMS Adaptive Algorithms, "JAN 04-07, 2009", 2009 IEEE 13TH Digital Signal Processing Workshop &Amp, 5th IEEE Processing Education Workshop, Vols 1 And 2, Proceedings, : 167-171 2009

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Comparative Analysis of Noninvasively Monitored Biosignals for Affective Assessment of a Computer User", (2009). Editor(s): A. McGoron, Li, C., and W-Li, C.n
    IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 24. ISBN:978-3-642-01696-7. Springer, Heidelberg, 2009. pp. 255-260

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "H-Infinity Time-varying Adaptive Filtering of Pupil Diameter for Affective Sensing", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 322, vol. 45, (2009).

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Detection of Sympathetic Activation through Measurement and Adaptive Processing of the Pupil Diameter for Affective Assessment of Computer Users", American Journal of Biomedical Sciences, (2009).

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., Monitoring and Processing of the Pupil Diameter Signal for Affective Assessment of a Computer User, "JUL 19-24, 2009", Human-Computer Interaction, PT I, 5610: 49-58 Part I 2009

  • Gui, F, Adjouadi, M., Rishe, N., A Contextualized and Personalized Approach for Mobile Search, "MAY 26-29, 2009", 2009 International Conference On Advanced Information Networking And Applications Workshops: Waina, Vols 1 And 2, : 966-971 2009

  • Gui, F, Guillen, M., Rishe, N., Barreto, A., Andrian, J., Adjouadi, M., A Client-Server Architecture for Context-Aware Search Application, "AUG 19-21, 2009", 2009 International Conference On Network-Based Information Systems, : 539-546 2009

  • Guillen, M., Adjouadi, M., You, X. Z., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., Gaillard, W, Toward fMRI Group Identification Based on Brain Lateralization, "MAY 26-29, 2009", 2009 International Conference On Advanced Information Networking And Applications Workshops: WAINA, VOLS 1 AND 2, : 1025-1030 2009

  • Guillen, M., Adjouadi, M., M. Goryawala, Gaillard, W., "Classification of Typical and Atypical Language Network Activations Using Nonlinear Decision Functions", (2009). CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 8-12, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.

  • Guillen, M. R., Adjouadi, M., Bernal, B., You, X., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., Jayakar, P., Gaillard, W.D., Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Group Decision Making Based On Brain Asymmetry, "DEC 04-08, 2009", EPILEPSIA, 50: 210-211 Suppl. 11 NOV 2009

  • Guzman, A., Adjouadi, M., Wang, L., Barreto, A., Rishe, N. "Thermal Infrared Imaging for the Detection of Temperature Increase on the Head Surface Due to Motor Activity", (2009). CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 30-33, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.

  • Lahlou, M., Adjouadi, M., and Barreto, A. "Illumination Invariant Face Detection with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images under Near-IR lighting", (2009). CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 26-29, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.

  • Li, Y., Liljenstam, M., Liu, J., Real-Time Security Exercises on a Realistic Interdomain Routing Experiment Platform, "JUN 22-25, 2009", PADS 2009: 23RD WORKSHOP ON PRINCIPLES OF ADVANCED AND DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION, PROCEEDINGS, : 54-63 2009

  • Li, Y., Liu, J., and Rangaswami, R. "Real-time network simulation support for scalable routing experiments", International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, p. 146, vol. 5, (2009).

  • Lian, J. X., Shatz, S. M., He, X. D. "Flexible coordinator design for modeling resource sharing in multi-agent systems", JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, p. 1709, vol. 82, (2009).

  • Lin, L., Shyu, M. L., Chen, S. C., Correlation-based Interestingness Measure for Video Semantic Concept Detection, "AUG 10-12, 2009", 2009 IEEE International Conference On INFORMATION REUSE AND INTEGRATION, : 120-125 2008

  • Liu, J., Li, Y. "Parallel Hybrid Network Traffic Models", SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL, p. 271, vol. 85, (2009).

  • Liu, J., Li, Y., Van Vorst, N., Mann, S., and Hellman, K. "A real-time network simulation infrastructure based on OpenVPN", Journal of Systems and Software, p. 473, vol. 82, (2009).

  • Liu, Y. B., Bobroff, N., Fong, L., Seelam, S., Villegas, D., Sadjadi, S. M., Rodero, I, An Experimental System for Grid Meta-Broker Evaluation, "JUN 10, 2009", LSAP 2009: WORKSHOP ON LARGE-SCALE SYSTEM AND APPLICATION PERFORMANCE, : 11-18 2009

  • Mann A.S., and Barreto, A. "Exercise Evaluation from Blood Volume Pulse Signals Analyzed by Parametric Auto-Regressive Modeling", (2009). Editor(s): A. McGoron, Li, C., and W.-Li, C.n.
    IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 24.
    ISBN:978-3-642-01696-7. Springer, Heidelberg, 2009. pp. 311-314

  • Martinez, J. C., Wang, L., Zhao, M., and Sadjadi, S., M. "Experimental study of large-scale computing on virtualized resources",(2009). 3rd International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC 2009)

  • Boettner, P., Gupta, M., Wu, Y., and Allen, A. A., "Towards policy driven self-configuration of user-centric communication", (2009). 47th Annual Southeast Regional Conference.
    Clemson, South Carolina, March 19 - 21, 2009

  • Pava, J.,Enoex, C., and Hernandez, Y. "A self-configuring test harness for web applications", (2009). 47th Annual Southeast Regional Conference.
    Clemson, South Carolina, March 19 - 21, 2009

  • Sadjadi, S. M., Chen, S., Borko Furht, Pete Martinez, Graham, S., Luis, S., Juan Caraballo, and Deng, Y. "PIRE: A global living laboratory for cyberinfrastructure application enablement", (2009). Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing 2009 (Tapia'09)

  • Sadjadi, S. M., McKinley, PK, "Transparent autonomization in CORBA", COMPUTER NETWORKS, p. 1570, vol. 53, (2009).

  • Smith, G. "On the Foundations of Quantitative Information Flow", Proceedings of FoSSaCS 2009: Twelfth International Conference On Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, LNCS 5504, p. 288, (2009).

  • Ting Li and Liu, J. "A fluid background traffic model", (2009). 2009 IEEE International Conference On Communications.
    Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009

  • Tito, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P., Adjouadi, M. "Seizure Detection: An Assessment of Time- and Frequency-Based Features in a Unified Two-Dimensional Decisional Space Using Nonlinear Decision Functions", JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, p. 381, vol. 26, (2009).

  • Tito, M., M..Adjouadi, Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., and Lizarraga, G. "Detecting Seizures Using Gamma-Range Power Measurements and Nonlinear Decision Functions", (2009). pp. 13-17, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.

  • Tito, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Barreto, A., Miller, I, Jayakar, P., Adjouadi, M. "Classification of electroencephalographic seizure recordings into ictal and interictal files using correlation sum", COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, p. 604, vol. 39, (2009).

  • Verhoef, T, Lisetti, C, Barreto, A., Ortega, F, van der Zant, T, Cnossen, F, Bio-sensing for Emotional Characterization without Word Labels, "JUL 19-24, 2009", Human-Computer Interaction, PT III, 5612: 693-702 2009

  • Allen, A., Leslie, S., Tirado, R., Wu, Y., and Clarke, P. J. "Self-Configuring User-Centric Communication Services", (2008). The 3rd International Conference On Systems (ICONS 2008).
    April 13-18, 2008

  • Argote-Garcia, G., Clarke, P. J., He, X., Fu, Y., Shi, L., "A Formal Approach for Translating a SAM Architecture to PROMELA", the International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE08), p. 440, (2008).

  • Ayala, M., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Zong, A., Barreto, A. "A Neural Network-Based Decision Making Process to Classify Leukemia Blood Samples", (2008). Poster Session V, 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making - SMDM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, p. 210, Oct.19-22, 2008

  • Barreto, A., Gao, Y., and Adjoaudi, M. "Pupil Diameter Measurements: Untapped Potential to Enhance Computer Interaction for Eye Tracker Users?", Proceedings of 10th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '08), p. 269, vol. 10, (2008).

  • Bobroff, N., Fong, L., Kalayci, S., Liu, Y., Martinez, J. C., Rodero, I., Sadjadi, S. M., and Villegas, D., "Enabling interoperability among meta-schedulers", (2008). 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid-2008).
    Lyon, France, 2008

  • Chang, L., He, X., Lian, J., and Shatz, S. "Applying a Nested Petri Net Modeling Paradigm to Coordination of Sensor Networks with Mobile Agents", (2008). Workshop on Petri Nets and Distributed Systems (PNDS08).
    Xian China, June 2008

  • Chang, L., Ding, J., He, X., and Sol M. Shatz, "A Formal Approach for Modeling Software Agents Coordination", Communications of SIWN, p. 58, vol. 3, (2008).

  • Chatterjee, K., and Chen, S. "GeM-Tree: Towards a Generalized Multidimensional Index Structure Supporting Image and Video Retrieval", Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR2008), p. 631, vol. 4, (2008).

  • Chatterjee, K., and Chen, S. "Hierarchical Affinity-Hybrid Tree: A Multidimensional Index Structure to Organize Videos and Support Content-Based Retrievals", (2008). 2008 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI-08).
    Las Vegas, USA

  • Chin, C. A., Barreto, A., Cremades, J. G., and Adjouadi, M. "An Integrated Electromyogram and Eye Gaze Tracking Cursor Control System for Computer Users with Motor Disabilities", Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, p. 161, vol. 45, (2008).

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., and Chen, M. "An Effective Multi-Concept Classifier for Video Streams", (2008). Second IEEE International Conference On Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC2008).
    pp. 80-87, August 4th-7th, 2008, Santa Clara, CA, USA.

  • Chen, Y., Wang, J., Han, CG, Wang, L., Adjouadi, M., A Robust Segmentation Approach to Iris Recognition Based on Video, "OCT 15-17, 2008", 2008 37TH IEEE APPLIED IMAGERY PATTERN RECOGNITION WORKSHOP, : 30-37 2008

  • Clarke, P. J., Babich, D., King, T. M., and Kibria, B. M. G. "Analyzing Clusters of Class Characteristics in OO Applications", Journal of Systems and Software, p. 2269, vol. 81, (2008).

  • Dasgupta, G., Ezenwoye, O., Fong, L., Kalayci, S., Sadjadi, S. M., and Viswanathan, B., "Design of a fault-tolerant job-flow manager for grid environments using standard technologies, job-flow patterns, and a transparent proxy", (2008). 20th International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2008).

  • Dasgupta, G., Ezenwoye, O., Fong, L., Kalayci, S., Sadjadi, S. M., and Viswanathan, B., "Runtime fault-handling for job-flow management in grid environments", (2008). 5th IEEE International Conference On Autonomic Computing (ICAC-2008).
    Chicago,IL, June 2008

  • De Felipe, I., Hristidis, V., Rishe, N. "Keyword Search on Spatial Databases", 2008 IEEE International Conference On Data Engineering, p. 656, (2008).

  • Delgado, J., and Adjouadi, M. "Towards an Efficient and Extensible Grid-Based Data Storage Solution", (2008). 22nd IEEE International Conference On Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008).

  • Deng, Y., Sadjadi, S. M., Clarke, P. J., Hristidis, V., Rangaswami, R., and Wang, Y. "CVM - a communication virtual machine", Journal of Systems and Software, p. 1640, vol. 81, (2008).

  • Ding, J., Argote, G., Clarke, P., and He, X. "Evaluating Test Adequacy Coverage of High Level Petri Nets Using Spin", (2008). the 3rd Workshop on Automation of Software Testing.
    Leipzig, Germany, 11 May 2008

  • Ding, J., L. Mo, and He, X. "An Approach for Specification Construction Using Property Preserving Refinement Patterns", (2008). the 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC08).
    Fortaleza, Cear?, Brazil, March 16 ? 20, 2008

  • Dong, Z., Fu, Y., He, X., and Yue Fu, "Formalizing and Validating UML Architecture Description of Service-Oriented Applications", (2008). Editor(s): Vedran Kordic
    Petri Net, Theory and Applications.
    I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., Ding, J., and He, X. "Mapping Software Architecture Model to Rewriting Logic", (2008). 8th International Conference On Quality Software.
    Oxford, U.K., Aug. 2008

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., Ding, J., He, X. "Mapping Software Architecture Specification to Rewriting Logic", 2008 The Eighth International Conference On Quality Software, p. 376, vol. 00, (2008).

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Adaptive Interference Cancelling Removal of Pupillary Light Reflex Contributions in Pupil Diameter Variations", 24th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, p. 51, vol. 1, (2008).

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., Faller II, K. J., and Adjouadi, M. "System Identification for the Contribution of the Light Variations to Pupil Diameter Change", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 389, vol. 44, (2008).

  • Guillen, M. R., Adjouadi, M., Gaillard, W., You, X., Rishe, N., and Barreto, A. "Brain Activation Map Analysis in Multisite Data repository for Pediatric Epilepsy", (2008). EDC Life Science Conference 2008.

  • Guillen, M. "Design and Implementation of a Multisite Data Repository for Pediatric Epilepsy", (2008). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Fall 2008

  • Guillen, M. R., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., You, X., Gaillard, W. D., "A Unified Approach to fMRI study on Group Identification based on Brain Lateralization", (2008). 6th International Conference On Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT 2008.
    pp. 87-92.

  • He, X. "A Formal Framework for Software System Modeling, Analysis and Realization". the 2008 International Conference On Software Engineering Research and Practice, Las Vegas, July 2008 (invited Keynote speech).

  • Joshi, V., and Barreto, A. "Real-Time Measurement of Pupil Diameter for Quantitative Monitoring of the Autonomic Nervous System", 24th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, p. 47, vol. 1, (2008).

  • Kalayci, S., Ezenwoye, O, Viswanathan, B., Dasgupta, G., Sadjadi, S. M., Fong, L., Design and Implementation of a Fault Tolerant Job Flow Manager Using Job Flow Patterns and Recovery Policies, "DEC 01-05, 2008", SERVICE-ORIENTED COMPUTING - ICSOC 2008, PROCEEDINGS, 5364: 54-69 2008

  • Li, Y., Liu, J., and Rangaswami, R. "Real-time network simulation support for scalable routing experiments", (2008). Conference 22nd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS'08).
    Rome, Italy, June 3-6, 2008

  • Lin, L., Ravitz, G., Shyu, M., and Chen, S. "Correlation-based Video Semantic Concept Detection using Multiple Correspondence Analysis", IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2008), p. 316, (2008).

  • Lin, L., Ravitz, G., Shyu, M., Chen, S. "Effective Feature Space Reduction with Imbalanced Data for Semantic Concept Detection", (2008). IEEE International Conference On Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC2008).
    June 11-13, 2008, Taichung, Taiwan

  • Liu, J. "A primer for real-time simulation of large-scale networks", (2008). Conference 41st Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS'08).
    Ottawa, Canada, April 14-16, 2008

  • Liu, J. "Immersive real-time large-scale network simulation: a research summary", (2008). Conference 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'08).
    Miami, Florida, April 13-14, 2008

  • Liu, J., and Li, Y. "On the performance of a hybrid network traffic model", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, p. 656, vol. 16, (2008).

  • Liu, Y., Sadjadi, S. M., Fong, L., Rodero, I., Villegas, D., Kalayci, S., Bobroff, N., and Martinez, J. C., "Enabling autonomic meta-scheduling in grid environments", (2008). 5th IEEE International Conference On Autonomic Computing (ICAC-2008).
    Chicago, IL, June 2008

  • Lizarraga, G., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Tito, M. "Integration of Dipole Model and Current Density Reconstruction towards 3-D Source Localization using EEG and MRI", (2009). CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 4-7, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View , CA.

  • Morales, J. A., Clarke, P. J., and Deng, Y. "Detecting Self-Reference Replication Behavior in Win32 Viruses", (2008). The 17th EICAR Annual Conference.
    May 3-8, 2008

  • Morales, J. A., Clarke, P. J., and Deng, Y. "Detecting Characterizing and Detecting Virus Replication", (2008). The 3rd International Conference On Systems (ICONS 2008).
    April 13-18, 2008

  • Morales, J. A., Clarke, P. J., Deng, Y. "Identification of File Infecting Viruses through Detection of Self-Reference Replication", Journal of Computer Virology, (2008).

  • Sadjadi, S. M., Fong, L., Badia, R. M., et al, "Transparent grid enablement of weather research and forecasting", (2008). Mardi Gras Conference 2008 - Workshop on Grid-Enabling Applications.
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, January 2008

  • Sadjadi, S. M., Kalayci, S., and Deng, Y. "A self-configuring communication virtual machine", (2008). 2008 IEEE International Conference On Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC-08).
    Sanya, China, April 2008

  • Sadjadi, S. M., Shimizu, S., Figueroa, J., Rangaswami, R., Delgado, J., Hector Duran, and Xabriel Collazo, "A modeling approach for estimating execution time of long-running scientific applications", (2008). 22nd IEEE International Parallel &, Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2008).
    Miami, Florida, April 2008

  • Saleem, K., Sadjadi, S. M., and Chen, S. "Towards a self-configurable weather research and forecasting system", (2008).Conference 5th IEEE International Conference On Autonomic Computing (ICAC-2008).
    Chicago, IL, June 2008

  • Saleem, K., Luis, S., Deng, Y., Chen, S., Hristidis, V., and Li, T. "Towards a Business Continuity Information Network for Rapid Disaster Recovery", (2008). 9th Annual International Conference On Digital Government Research.
    May 18-21, 2008, Montreal, Canada

  • Sesin, M. A., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M. and Barreto, A. "An Adaptive Eye Gaze Tracking Using Neural Network- Based User Profiles to Assist People with Motor Disability", Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, p. 801, vol. 45, (2008).

  • Sesin, M. A., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M. and Barreto, A. "An Eye Gaze Tracking System Using Customized User Profiles to Help Persons with Motor Challenges Access Computers", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 1161, vol. LNCS-51, (2008).

  • Sesin, M. A., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M. and Barreto, A. "Eyeing a Real-Time Human-Computer Interface to Assist those with Motor Disabilities", IEEE Potentials, p. 19, vol. 27, (2008).

  • Shyu, M., Xie, Z., Chen, M., and Chen, S. "Video Semantic Event/Concept Detection Using a Subspace-based Multimedia Data Mining Framework", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Special Issue on Multimedia Data Mining, p. 252, vol. 10, (2008).

  • Smith, G. "Adversaries and Information Leaks", (2008). Editor(s): Gilles Barthe and
    C?dric Fournet
    Trustworthy Global Computing.

  • Tito, M., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P., Gaillard, W. D., "An Inter-Patient Analysis for Seizure Detection", (2008). EDC Life Science Conference 2008.

  • Tito, M. "Seizure Detection in Subdural Recordings Using Nonlinear Decision Functions", (2008). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Spring 2008.

  • Wang, J., Chen, Y., Adjouadi, M., A Comparative Study of Multilinear Principal Component Analysis for Face Recognition, "OCT 15-17, 2008", 2008 37TH IEEE APPLIED IMAGERY PATTERN RECOGNITION WORKSHOP, : 250-255 2008

  • Wang, L., and Adjouadi, M. "Automated Book Reader Design for Persons with Blindness", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 318, vol. LNCS-51, (2008).

  • You, X., Adjouadi, M., Guillen, M. R., Gaillard, W. D., Rishe, N., and Barreto, A. "Application of the Principal Component Analysis to Brain Activation Maps in Pediatric Epilepsy", (2008). EDC Life Science Conference 2008.

  • You, X., Adjouadi, M., Guillen, M. R., Bernal, B., Ayala, M., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., and Gaillard, W. D., "Automatic Decision Making Process For Classification of fMRI Patterns Integrating the Principal Component Analysis and the Laterality Index in Pediatric Epilepsy", (2008). 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making-SMDM.

  • Zhao, N., Chen, M., Chen, S., and Shyu, M. "MRBAC: Hierarchical Role Management and Security Access Control for Distributed Multimedia Systems", (2008). 11th IEEE Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2008).
    May 5-7, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA

  • Zeng, R., Liu, J., He, X. "A Formal Specification of Mondex Using SAM", 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2008), p. 97, vol. 00, (2008).

  • Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Tenneti, D., Raoof, M., Krishna, R., Cejas, Y., Milton II, N., Graham, S., and Rishe, N. "Web Service Security", 2007 International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, p. 7, (2007).

  • Adjouadi, M., Lucas, M. L., Pozo, E. L., Nguyen, H., Maynard, K., Thomas, S., Barreto, A., Graham, S., and Rishe, N. "Content-Based Image Retrieval", 2007 International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, p. 26, (2007).

  • Alonso, M., and Barreto, A. "Polychromatic Considerations for the Compensation of the Wavefront Aberration of the Human Eye", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 234, vol. 43, (2007).

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Development and Evaluation of a Custom Display Compensation Method for Computer Users Based on Individual Visual Characteristics", Proceeding of the 16th International Conference On Computing (CIC 2007), p. Paper72, vol. 1, (2007).

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Jacko, J. A., and Adjouadi, M. "Evaluation of Onscreen Precompensation Algorithms for Computer Users with Visual Aberrations", Proceedings of 9th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '07), p. 219, vol. 1, (2007).

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Digital Image Inverse Filtering for Improving Visual Acuity of Computer Users with Visual Aberrations". (2007). 2007 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium (IPDO 2007), Miami, FL, April 16-18, 2007. Paper IPDO-069.

  • Barreto, A., Jacko, J., and P. Hugh. "Impact of spatial auditory feedback on the efficiency of iconic human-computer interfaces under conditions of visual impairment". Computers in Human Behavior, p. 1211, vol. 23, (2007).

  • Barreto, A., Zhai, J., and Adjouadi, M. "Non-intrusive Physiological Monitoring for Automated Stress Detection in Human-Computer Interaction", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 29, vol. 4796, (2007).

  • Barreto, A., Zhai, J., Rishe, N., and Gao, Y. "Measurement of Pupil Diameter Variations as a Physiological Indicator of the Affective State in a Computer User". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 146, vol. 43, (2007).

  • Barreto, A., Rishe, N., Zhai, J., and Gao, Y. "Potential of Pupil Diameter Monitoring for the Detection of Affective Changes in Human-Computer Interaction", Fifth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCEI?2007), p. A1, vol. 2B, (2007).

  • Barreto, A., Wongsaroj, B., King, T. M., Cameron, T., Diaz, S. V., Cilli, J., Muqueet, A., Bullard, S. D., Adjouadi, M., Wolfoson, O., Graham, S., Rishe, N. "Evaluation Criteria for Self-Management in DBMSs", 2007 International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, p. 14, (2007).

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Yaylali, I., Barreto, A., and Rishe, N. "Classification of Interictal EEG Data Based on Subdural Recordings". WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 147, vol. 3, (2007).

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Yaylali, I., Barreto, A., and Rishe, N. "EEG Analysis Using Neural Networks for Seizure Detection", (2007). 6th WSEAS International Conference On Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ISPRA ?07).
    ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-59-1

  • Chatterjee, K., and Chen, S. "A Novel Indexing and Access Mechanism using Affinity Hybrid Tree for Content-Based Image Retrieval in Multimedia Databases.". International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 147-170, June 2007.

  • Chen, M., Zhang, C., and Chen, S. "Semantic Event Extraction Using Neural Network Ensembles", (2007). First International Workshop on Semantic Computing and Multimedia Systems, in conjunction with First IEEE International Conference On Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC2007).
    September 17-19, 2007, Irvine, California, USA

  • Chen, M., Chen, S., and Shyu, M. "Hierarchical Temporal Association Mining for Video Event Detection in Video Databases." Second IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Databases and Data Management (MDDM'07), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference On Data Engineering (ICDE2007), pp. 137-145, Istanbul, Turkey, April 15, 2007.

  • Chen, S., Zhao, N., and Shyu, M. "Modeling Semantic Concepts and User Preferences in Content-Based Video Retrieval", International Journal of Semantic Computing, p. 277, vol. 1, (2007).

  • Chin, C. A., and Barreto, A. "Enhancements to Eye Gaze Tracking Cursor Control using Electromyogram Signals", (2007). International IEEE-BAIS Symposium on Research on Assistive Technologies, Dayton, OH, April 16, 2007.
    pp. 39-46.

  • Chin, C. A., and Barreto, A. "The Integration of Electromyogram and Eye Gaze Tracking Inputs fro Hands-Free Cursor Control". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 168, vol. 43, (2007).

  • Chin, C. A., Barreto, A., Cremades, J. G., and Adjouadi, M. "Performance Analysis of an Integrated Eye Gaze Tracking / Electromyogram Cursor Control System", Proceedings of 9th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '07), p. 233, vol. 1, (2007).

  • Clarke, P. J., Power, J. F., Babich, D., and King, T. M. "Intra-Class Testing of Abstract Class Features", (2007). 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2007).
    November 5-9, 2007

  • Clarke, P. J., Wang, Y., Cameron, T. L., and Wu, Y. "Using Communication Objects During Requirements Analysis.". International Conference On Software Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-07), (2007).

  • Delgado, J., Guillen, M.R., Lahlou, M., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., and Rishe, N. "MIND: A Tiled Display, Visualization System at CATE/FIU", (2007). IASTED International Conference On Graphics and Visualization in Engineering.
    pp. 68-73, ISBN 978-0-88986-67

  • Ezenwoye, O., Sadjadi, S. M., Carey, A., and Robinson, M. "Grid service composition in bpel for scientific applications", (2007). International Conference On Grid computing, high-performAnce and Distributed Applications (GADA'07). Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, November 2007

  • Faller, K.J., Barreto, A., and Rishe, N. "A New Inverse Processing Approach to the Modeling of Head-Related Transfer Functions for Audio Spatialization", (2007). 2007 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium (IPDO 2007), Miami, FL, April 16-18, 2007.
    Paper IPDO-069.

  • Faller, K. J., and Barreto, A. "Sampling Rate Impact on the Performance of a Head-Related Impulse Response Decomposition Method", 8th WSEAS International Conference On Acoustics and Music: Theory and Applications (AMTA 2007), p. 42, vol. 1, (2007).

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., Argote, G., Shi, L., and He, X. "An Approach to Validating Translation Correctness from SAM to Java", (2007). Conference the International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE07).
    Boston, July, 2007

  • Gao, Y., Barreto, A., Zhai, J., and Rishe, N. "Digital Filtering of Pupil Diameter Variations for the Detection of Stress in Computer Users", 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2007), p. 30, vol. II, (2007).

  • Guerra, J., Useche, L., Rivero, M., Syed, I., Orelus, H., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Stoute, B., Graham, S., and Rishe, N. "Comparison of XPath Containment Algorithms", 2007 International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, p. 21, (2007).

  • Gupta, N. "Structure-Based Modeling of Head-Related Transfer Functions Towards Interactive Customization of Binaural Sound Systems", (2003). Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida International University, ECE Department Shi, T., and He, X. "Specification and Analysis of Software Architectures", (2007). ISBN 978-3-8364-2819-4

  • Hang, X., Castillo, D. V., Sadjadi, S. M., and Alvarez, H. "Formative assessment of the effectiveness of collaboration in gcb", (2007). International Conference On Information Society (i-Society 2007).
    Merrillville, Indiana, USA, October 2007

  • He, X., Yu, H., Deng, Y. "Formal Methods for Specifying and Analyzing Complex Software Systems". Advances in Machine Learning Application in Software Engineering (ed. Du Zhang and Jeffrey Tsai), Idea Group Publishing, 2007, Chapter 13, 319-345.

  • Joshi, V., and Barreto, A. "Design and Construction of a Head-Mounted System for the Real-Time Measurement of Pupil Diameter Variations", 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2007), p. 36, vol. II, (2007).

  • King, T. M., Ramirez, A. E., Cruz, R., and Clarke, P. J. "An Integrated Self-Testing Framework for Autonomic Computing Systems", Journal of Computers, p. 37, vol. 2, (2007).

  • Li, C., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Integrated Framework for Expression and Identity Recognition in 3D Faces", of the 16th International Conference On Computing (CIC 2007), p. Paper71, vol. 1, (2007).

  • Lian, J., Shatz, S., and He, X. "Component Based Multi-Agent System Modeling and Analysis: A Case Study", (2007). The 2007 International Conference On Software Engineering Research and Practice.
    Las Vegas, Nevada

  • Marrero, A. J., "Implementation and Revitalization of a Data Mining Utility in medical Applications", (2007). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Fall 2007.

  • Michel, M. "An Integrated Functional Mapping and Source Localization Platform for Brain Research", (2007). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University

  • Morales, J. A., Clarke, P. J., Deng, Y., and Kibria, B. M. G. "Characterization of Virus Replication", Journal of Computer Virology, p. 1772, (2007).

  • Rishe, N., Wolfson, O., Wongsaroj, B., Small, D., Alarcon, M., Lorenzo, N., Koller, R., Kundu, S., Graham, S., Alexander, K., and Adjouadi, M. "Schema Based XML Compression", 2007 International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, p. 1, (2007).

  • Ruiz, N. "Wavelet Applications in EEG-based Brain Data", (2007). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Fall 2007

  • Sadjadi, S. M., and Trigoso, F. "Trap.net: A realization of transparent shaping in .net". Nineteenth International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2007), (2007).

  • Sadjadi, S. M., Martinez, J., Soldo, T., Atencio, L., Badia, R. M., and Ejarque, J. "Improving separation of concerns in the development of scientific applications", (2007). Nineteenth International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2007).
    Boston, USA, July 2007

  • Sanchez, D., Adjouadi, M., Altman, N., Sanchez, D., Bernal, B. "Comprehensive 3-D Fiber Tracking as a New Visualization System in Brain Studies". International Journal of Image and Graphics, (2007).

  • Sesin, M. A., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Barreto, A., Rishe, N. "A Real-Time Vision Based Human Computer Interface as an Assistive Technology for Persons with Motor Disability". WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, p. 115, vol. 2, (2007).

  • Sesin, M. A., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Barreto, A., Rishe, N. "Effective Data Conversion Algorithm for Real-Time Vision Based Human Computer Interface", (2007). conference 6th WSEAS International Conference On Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS '07).
    ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-59-1

  • Sesin, A. "A Multimodal and Adaptive Real-Time Human-Computer Interface for Persons with Severe Motor Disability", (2007). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University Delgado, J. "A Grid Computing Platform for Enhanced Data management and Visualization", (2007). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University

  • Shi, T., and He, X. "Specification and Analysis of Software Architectures". VDM Publishing, Germany, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8364-2819-4.

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Chen, M., Zhang, C., and Sarinnapakorn, K. "Capturing High-Level Image Concepts via Affinity Relationships in Image Database Retrieval", Multimedia Tools and Applications, p. 73, vol. 32, (2007).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Sun, Q., and Yu, H. "Overview and Future Trends of Multimedia Research for Content Access and Distribution". International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 29-66, March 2007.

  • Shyu, M., Quirino, T., Xie, Z., Chen, S., and Chang, L. "Network Intrusion Detection through Adaptive Sub-Eigenspace Modeling in Multiagent Systems", ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, p. 1, vol. 2, (2007).

  • Simon, A., and Adjouadi, M. "A Programming Tool for Enhancing the Teaching of Image Processing". Computers in Education, p. 85, vol. XVII, (2007).

  • Smith, G. "Principles of Secure Information Flow Analysis", (2007). Editor(s): edited by Mihai Christodorescu, Somesh Jha, Douglas Maughan, Dawn Song, and Cliff Wang
    Malware Detectio.
    Chapter 13 (pp. 291-307), Springer-Verlag, 2007

  • Tito, M., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Yaylali, I., Barreto, A., and Rishe, N. "A New Algorithm for Seizure Detection Using Orthogonal Transformations", WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 1155, vol. 3, (2007).

  • Tito, M., Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Yaylali, I., Barreto, A., and Rishe, N. "Application of the Walsh Transform Towards Seizure Detection", (2007). conference 6th WSEAS International Conference On Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ISPRA ?07).
    ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-8457-59-1

  • Tito, M. T., Ayala, M., Yaylali, I., Cabrerizo, M., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., and Adjouadi, M. "Can EEG Processing Reveal Seizure Prediction Patterns", (2007). conference IASTED International Conference On Graphics and Visualization in Engineering.
    pp. 47-52, ISBN 978-0-88986-67

  • Whittington, M. "Design of a Portable Eye Tracking System as an Assistive Tool For Persons With Motor Disabilities", (2007). Department of Biomedical Engineering, Florida International University

  • Wang, Y., Clarke, P. J., Wu, Y., Allen, A., and Deng, Y. "Realizing Communication Services Using Model-Driven Development", (2007). Proceedings of 11th IASTED International Conference On Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2007).
    Nov. 19-21, 2007

  • Xie, Z., Quirino, T., Shyu, M., and Chen, S. "ASIC: Supervised Multi-class Classification using Adaptive Selection of Information Components", (2007). First IEEE International Conference On Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC2007).
    September 17-19, 2007, Irvine, California, USA

  • Xu, B., Wolfson, O., Naiman, C., Naphtali D. Rishe, Tanner, R. M. "A Feasibility Study on Disseminating Spatio-temporal Information via Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks", Third International Workshop on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, p. 146, (2007).

  • Xu, D., and He, X. "Generation of Test Requirements from Aspectual Use Cases", (2007). the 3rd Workshop on Testing of Aspect Oriented Systems.
    Vancouver, Canada

  • Y Fu, Dong, Z., and He, X. "A Translator of Software Architecture Design from SAM to Java". International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 17, no.6, 2007, 709-755.

  • You, X., Teng, N., Ayala, M., Wang, L., Barreto, A., Rishe, N., and Adjouadi, M. "A Practical EEG Study on Autism Using Artificial Neural Networks", (2007). conference IASTED International Conference On Graphics and Visualization in Engineering.
    pp. 41-46, ISBN 978-0-88986-67

  • Zhao, N., Chen, M., Chen, S., and Shyu, M. "User Adaptive Video Retrieval on Mobile Devices", (2007). Editor(s): Laurence T. Yang, Agustinus Borgy Waluyo, Jianhua Ma, Ling Tan and Bala Srinivasan Mobile Intelligence: When Computational Intelligence Meets Mobile Paradigm.
    John Wiley &, Sons Inc

  • Zhao, N., Chen, S., and Rubin, S. "Automated Multimedia Systems Training Using Association Rule Mining", (2007). 2007 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI-07).
    Las Vegas, USA, August 13 - 15, 2007

  • Adjouadi, M., E. Ruiz, and Wang, L. "Automated Document Reader for Visually Impaired Persons". Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series, K. Miesenberger et al., p. 1094, (2006).

  • Adjouadi, M., Alo, R., Beheshti, M., Fernandez, F., Novick, D., and Santiago, N. "The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Interventions to Increase Hispanic Participation in Computing", (2006). conference 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.
    pp. M4B1-M4B2

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Jacko, J. A., Adjouadi, M. "A multi-domain approach for enhancing text display for users with visual aberrations". (2006). 8th Iinternational ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '06), October 23-25, Portland, OR. pp. 34 - 39.

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., and Jacko, J. "HOWARD: High-Order Wavefront Aberration Regularized Deconvolution for Enhancing Graphic Displays for Visually Impaired Computer Users". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 1163, vol. 4061, (2006).

  • Barreto, A., Zhai, J., Rishe, N., and Gao, Y. "Significance of Pupil Diameter Measurements for the Assessment of Affective State in Computer Users". (2006). IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2006), December 4-14, 2006, Bridgeport, CT.

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., and Ayala, M. "Chapter 5: An Application of Eigensystem and Frequency Analysis in Brain Functional Mapping", (2006). Progress in Brain Mapping Research.
    pp. 177-204,NOVA Science, ISBN 1-59454-580-4, 2006

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., and Nunez, K. "An Inverse Solution To Functional Brain Mapping of the Auditory Process Using an Eigensystem Study". Inverse Problems in Science &, Engineering, p. 437, vol. 14, (2006).

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala M., and Tito, M. "Pattern Extraction in Interictal EEG Recordings towards Detection of Electrodes Leading To Seizures". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 243, vol. 42, (2006).

  • Cabrerizo, M. "Subdural Electroencephalogram Analysis For Extracting Discriminating Measures In Epileptogenic Data", (2006). Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University

  • Chatterjee, K., and Chen, S. "Affinity Hybrid Tree: An Indexing Technique for Content-Based Image Retrieval in Multimedia Databases". IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2006), p. 47, (2006).

  • Chen, M., Chen, S., Shyu, M., and Wickramaratna, K. "Semantic Event Detection via Temporal Analysis and Multimodal Data Mining". IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Special Issue on Semantic Retrieval of Multimedia, p. 38, vol. 23, (2006).

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., Zhang, C., and Chen, M. "A Multimodal Data Mining Framework for Soccer Goal Detection Based on Decision Tree Logic". International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, p. 312, vol. 27, (2006).

  • Chen, S., Chen, M., Zhang, C., and Shyu, M. "Exciting Event Detection using Multi-level Multimodal Descriptors and Data Classification". IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2006), p. 193, (2006).

  • Chen, S., Rubin, S. H., Shyu, M., and Zhang, C. "A Dynamic User Concept Pattern Learning Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, p. 772, vol. 36, (2006).

  • Chin, C., and Barreto, A. "Electromyograms as Physiological Inputs that Provide Efficient Computer Cursor Control". (2006). 2006 WSEAS International Conference On Mathematical Biology and Ecology (MABE '06), Miami, Florida, January 18-20, 2006. pp. 221 - 226.

  • Chin, C. A., Barreto, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Enhanced Real-Time Cursor Control Algorithm, Based on the Spectral Analysis of Electromyograms", Biomedical Science Instrumentation, p. 249, vol. 42, (2006).

  • Chin, C., Barreto, A., and Alonso, M. "Electromyogram-based Cursor Control System for Users with Motor Disabilities", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 905, vol. 4061, (2006).

  • Chin, C., and Barreto, A. "Enhanced Hybrid Electromyogram / Eye Gaze Tracking Cursor Control System for Hands-Free Computer Interaction". (2006). 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference New York City, USA, Aug 30-Sept 3. pp. 2296 - 2299.

  • Chin, C., and Barreto, A. "Hands-Free Manipulation of the Computer Cursor Based on the Electromyogram". (2006). Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2006), Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006.

  • Chin, C., and Barreto, A. "Performance Comparison of Electromyogram-based Computer Cursor Control Systems", WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, p. 118, vol. 3, (2006).

  • Chin, C. A. "Signal Processing and Information Fusing Algorithms for the Synthesis of an Alternative Electromyogram / Eye Gaze Tracking Computer Cursor Control System", (2006). Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida International University, ECE Department

  • Deng, Y., Sadjadi, S. M., Clarke, P. J., Zhang, C., Hristidis, V., Rangaswami, R., and Prabakar, N. "A communication virtual machine". 30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2006), p. 521, (2006).

  • Ding, J., Clarke, P., Xu, D., He, X., and Deng, Y. "A Formal Model-Based Approach for Developing An Interoperable Mobile Agent System". Multiagent and Grid Systems, p. 401, vol. 2, (2006).

  • Dong, Z., Fu, Y., and He, X. "A Framework for Component-Based System Modeling", (2006). the International Conference On Software Engineeering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE06).
    San Francisco, CA

  • Dong, Z., Fu, Y., and He, X. "An Integrated Run-Time Monitoring Framework for Software Architecture Verification", (2006). the 9th IASTED International Conference On Software Engineering and Applications.
    Phoenix, AZ

  • Ege, R., Yang, L., and Kizza, J. M. "A Flexible Context-Aware Authorization Framework for Mediation Systems", (2006). Proc. IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics.
    San Diego, CA

  • Ege, R., Yang, L., Kizza, J. M., and Adjouadi, M. "Context-aware Access Control in Mediation Framework", (2006). Proceedings of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE06).
    San Francisco, CA

  • Ege, R., Yang, L., and Luo, L. "An Aspect-Oriented Approach to RBAC in Distributed Virtual Environment", (2006). Proc. 30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference.
    Chicago, IL

  • Faller II, K. J. "Automated Synthesis of a Reduced-Parameter Model for 3D Digital Audio", (2006). M. Sc. Thesis, Florida International University, ECE Department

  • Faller II, K. J., and Barreto, A. "Simulation and Real-Time Implementation for Teaching 3D Sound". Computers in Education Journal, p. 36, vol. XVI, (2006).

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta, N., and Rishe, N. "Decomposition and Modeling of Head-Related Impulse Responses for Customized Spatial Audio". WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 354, vol. 1, (2005).

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta, N., and Rishe, N. "Time and Frequency Decomposition of Head-Related Impulse Responses for the Development of Customizable Spatial Audio Models". WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 1465, vol. 2, (2006).

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta, N., and Rishe, N. "Accelerated Method for the Reduced-Parameter Modeling of Head-Related Transfer Functions for Customizable Spatial Audio". (2006). 5th. WSEAS International Conference On Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control &, Signal Processing. (CSECS-06), Dallas, Texas, USA, November 1-3, 2006. pp. 263 - 268.

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta, N., and Rishe, N. "Decomposition of Head Related Impulse Responses by Selection of Conjugate Pole Pairs". (2006). IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2006), December 4-14, 2006, Bridgeport, CT.

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta, N., and Rishe, N. "Performance Comparison of Two Identification Methods for Analysis of Head Related Impulse Responses". (2006). Editor(s): T. Sobh and K. Elleithy. Advances in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer, The Netherlands. Pages 131-136.

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., and He, X. "An Approach to Web Services oriented Modeling and Validation", (2006). . of International Workshop on Service-Oriented Software Engineering.
    Shanghai, China

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., and He, X. "Modeling, Validating and Automating Composition of Web Services", (2006). the 6th International Conference On Web Engineering.
    Palo Alto, California

  • Guillen, M., Adjouadi, M., and Gaillard, W. D. "Modeling Web-Based Pediatric MRI Data Repository Site Using OPNET", (2006). 4th LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCET?2006).
    paper 103, pp 1-10

  • He, X., Yu, H., and Deng, Y. "Formal Methods for Specifying and Analyzing Complex Software Systems", (2006). Editor(s): D. Zhang and J. Tsai
    Advances in Machine Learning Application in Software Engineering.
    pp. 319-345.

  • Herrera, A., Adjouadi, M., and Ayala, M. "An Integrated Design for a Myoelectrically-Based Writing Module for a Controlled Prosthesis". Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series, K. Miesenberger et al, p. 926, (2006).

  • Hidalgo, A., Monteagudo, M., Rishe, N., Graham, S., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Steinhof, R.f, Pierre, K., and Canas, C. "Encryption Models for Patient Record Databases". 3rd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2006, p. 1, (2006).

  • Huang, Y., and He, X. "A Method for Modeling Object-Oriented Systems with PZ Nets". (2006). the International Conference On Software Engineeering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE06). San Francisco, CA.

  • Ilarri, S., Wolfson, O., Mena, E., Illarramendi, A., and Rishe, N. "Processing of Data Streams with Prediction Functions". 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, p. 237, (2006).

  • Lahlou, M., Guillen, M., Adjouadi, M., and Gaillard, W. D. "MEDIAR: An Online Web-Based Repository site of fMRI Medical Images and clinical data for Childhood Epilepsy", (2006). conference 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine, MEDNET 2006.
    pp. 1-8

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "3D Face Recognition in Biometrics". (2006). 2006 WSEAS International Conference On Mathematical Biology and Ecology (MABE '06), Miami, Florida. January 18-20, 2006. pp. 87 - 92.

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "3D Facial Expression Recognition for the Enhancement of Human-Computer Interaction". (2006). 19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2006), Melbourne Beach, FL, May 11 - 13, 2006. pp. 172 - 173.

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "A Framework for Recognition of 3D Faces and Expressions". (2006). Editor(s): Patrick J. Flynn and Sharath Pankanti. Biometric Technology for Human Identification III. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6202, 620202, 620202-1 - 620202 -12.

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "An Integrated 3D Face-Expression Recognition Approach". (2006). 31st International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2006). Vol. III, pp. 1132-1135.

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "Biometric Recognition of 3D Faces and Expressions". WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, p. 153, vol. 3, (2006).

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "Intelligent Expression-Independent Face Recognition Algorithm". (2006). Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics (FCRAR 2006), Miami, Florida, May 25-26, 2006.

  • Li, C., Barreto, A., Chin, C., and Zhai, J. "Biometric Identification Using 3D Face Scans". Biomedical Science Instrumentation, p. 320, vol. 42, (2006).

  • Li, C. "An Integrative Approach to Face and Expression Recognition from 3D Scans", (2006). Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida International University, ECE Department

  • Mourad, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., and Yaylali, I. "Chapter 9: Registration of Optical Topographic Maps to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)", (2006). New Trends in Brain Research.
    pp. 175-199,ISBN 1-59454-834-X, 2006

  • Rishe, N., Wolfson, O., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Steinhof, R.f, Bhadkamkar, M., Varadarajan, R., Zheng Cui, Sharifi, M., Brito, A., Slack, C., and Poitier, P. "On the Feasibility of a Statewide Patient Record Database". 3rd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2006, p. 5, (2006).

  • Quirino, T., Xie, Z., Shyu, M., Chen, S., and Chang, L. "Collateral Representative Subspace Projection Modeling for Supervised Classification". 18th IEEE International Conference On Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'06), p. 98, (2006).

  • Rossman, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., and Yaylali, I. "An Interactive Interface for Seizure Focus Localization Using SPECT Image Analysis". Computers in Biology and Medicine, p. 70, vol. 36, (2006).

  • Sanchez, D., Bernal, B., Altman, N., Adjouadi, M., and Sanchez, D. "3D Brain Segmentation towards the Integration of DTI and MRI Modalities". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 326, vol. 42, (2006).

  • Sanchez, D., Adjouadi, M., and Sanchez, D. "Image Registration Technique for 3-D Visualization Brain Fiber Tracts from DTI", (2006). IEEE Medical Imaging Conference.

  • Sanchez, D., Adjouadi, M., and Sanchez, D. "Registration of MRI and DTI towards 3-D visualization of fiber tracts in the brain". (2006). Sixth IASTED Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing. Paper number 541-054, August 2006.

  • Shyu, M., Haruechaiyasak, C., and Chen, S. "Mining User Access Patterns with Traversal Constraint for Predicting Web Page Requests". Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) Journal, p. 515, vol. 10, (2006).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Sarinnapakorn, K., and Chang, L. "Principal Component-based Anomaly Detection Scheme", (2006). Editor(s): T.Y. Lin, S. Ohsuga, C.-J. Liau, and X. Hu
    Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining.
    pp. 311-329, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 9, 2006, ISBN: 3-540-28315-3

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Chen, M., Zhang, C., and Shu, C. "Probabilistic Semantic Network-based Image Retrieval Using MMM and Relevance Feedback". Multimedia Tools and Applications, p. 131, vol. 30, (2006).

  • Simon, A., Adjouadi, M., and Ayala, M. "A .NET Solution for Distributed Computing Applications". IEEE Potentials, p. 24, vol. 25, (2006).

  • Smith, G., and Alpzar, R. "Secure Information Flow with Random Assignment and Encryption", (2006). Proc. 4th ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering.
    Pages: 33 - 44

  • Smith, G. "Improved Typings for Probabilistic Noninterference in a Multi-Threaded Language". Journal of Computer Security, p. 591, vol. 14, (2006).

  • Sun, W., Shi, T., Argote, G., Deng, Y., and He, X. "Achieving Better System Design through Formal Modeling and Analysis", (2006). the International Conference On Software Engineeering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE06).
    San Francisco, CA

  • Trigoso, F., Rishe, N., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Steinhof, R.f, Necula, S., Patel, M., Gallon, A., Brito, A., Graham, S., and Cary, A. "Patient Flow Optimization Model". 3rd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2006, p. 17, (2006).

  • Torres, J., Rishe, N., Wolfson, O., Teng, W., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Steinhof, R., Williams, B., Gay, J., and Cary, A. "An Algorithm for Massive Loading of Raster Geo-Spatial Data". 3rd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2006, p. 11, (2006).

  • Wongsaroj, B., Graham, S., Wolfson, O., Steinhof, R.f, Cary, A., Chang, L., Lee, A., Rodriguez, A., Haynes, P. S., Rush, T., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., and Rishe, N. "Native XML Database Management". 3rd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2006, p. 22, (2006).

  • Xu, B., Wolfson, O., and Rishe, N. "Benefit and Pricing of Spatio-Temporal Information in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks". 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, p. 223, (2006).

  • Xie, Z., Quirino, T., Shyu, M., Chen, S., and Chang, L. "UNPCC: A Novel Unsupervised Classification Scheme for Network Intrusion Detection". 18th IEEE International Conference On Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'06), p. 743, (2006).

  • Xie, Z., Quirino, T., Shyu, M., Chen, S., and Chang, L. "A Distributed Agent-Based Approach To Intrusion Detection Using the Lightweight PCC Anomaly Detection Classifier". The IEEE International Conference On Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC2006), p. 446, (2006).

  • Yang, L., Luo, L., and Ege, R. "Security in Distributed Virtual Environments: An Aspect-Oriented Approach", (2006). IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology.
    Lexington, Kentucky

  • Yu, H., Liu, D., Shao, Z., and He, X. "Modeling Complex Software Systems using As Aspect-oriented Extension of Object-Z", (2006). the International Conference On Software Engineeering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE06).
    San Francisco, CA

  • Zhai, J., and Barreto, A. "Stress Detection in Computer Users Based on Digital Signal Processing of Noninvasive Physiological Variables". (2006). 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference New York City, USA, Aug 30-Sept 3, 2006. pp. 1355 - 1358.

  • Zhai, J., and Barreto, A. "Stress Detection in Computer Users Through Noninvasive Monitoring of Physiological Signals". Biomedical Science Instrumentation, p. 495, vol. 42, (2006).

  • Zhai, J., and Barreto, A. "Stress Recognition Using Non-invasive Technology". (2006). Stress Recognition Using Non-invasive Technology 19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2006), Melbourne Beach, FL, May 11-13, 2006. pp. 395 - 400.

  • Zhai, J. "Signal Processing of Physiological Signals for Automated Assessment of Stress in Computer Users", (2006). Ph. D. Dissertation, Florida International University, ECE Department

  • Zhao, N., Chen, S., and Shyu, M. "Video Database Modeling and Temporal Pattern Retrieval using Hierarchical Markov Model Mediator". IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Databases and Data Management (IEEE-MDDM 2006), p. 10, (2006).

  • Zhao, N., Chen, S., Shyu, M., and Rubin, S. H. "An Integrated and Interactive Video Retrieval Framework with Hierarchical Learning Models and Semantic Clustering Strategy". The 2006 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI-2006), p. 438, (2006).

  • Zong, A., Adjouadi, M., and Ayala, M. "Optimizing the Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Acute Myeloid Leukemia Samples Using Artificial Neural Networks". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 261, vol. 42, (2006).

  • Zong, A. "Multidimensional Pattern Recognition and Classification of White Blood Cells Using Support Vector Machine", (2006). Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University

  • Adjouadi, M., and Zong, A. "Multidimensional Pattern Recognition and Classification of White Blood Cells Using Support Vector Machines". Journal of Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, Wiley-VCH, p. 107, vol. 22, (2005).

  • Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., and Mirkovic, N. "Seizing lesions in 3-D". IEEE Potentials, p. 11, vol. 24, (2005).

  • Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Sanchez, D., Jayakar, P., Yaylali, I., and Barreto, A. "Detection of Interictal Spikes and Artifactual Data through Orthogonal Transformations", Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, p. 53, vol. 22, (2005).

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Jacko, J. A., and Adjouadi, M. "Verification of Computer Display Pre-Compensation for Visual Aberrations in an Artificial Eye". (2005). 7th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility (ASSETS '05), October 9-12, 2005, Baltimore, MD. pp. 210 - 211.

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Jacko, J. A., Choudhury, M., and Adjouadi, M. "Improving Computer Interaction for Users with Visual Acuity Deficiencies through Inverse Point Spread Function Processing". (2005). 2005 IEEE SoutheastCon Conference, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL. pp. 421 - 427.

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Cremades, J. G., Jacko, J., and Adjouadi, M. "Image Pre-compensation to facilitate computer access for users with refractive errors". Behaviour &, Information Technology, p. 161, vol. 24, (2005).

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Choudhury, M., Jacko, J., and Adjouadi, M. "Software-Based Compensation of Visual Refractive Errors of Computer Users". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 31, vol. 41, (2005).

  • Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Jacko, J. A., Choudhury, M., and Adjouadi, M. "Improving Computer Interaction for Users with Visual Acuity Deficiencies through Inverse Point Spread Function Processing", (2005). 2005 IEEE SoutheastCon Conference, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
    pp. 421 ? 427.

  • Angus, F., Zhai, J., and Barreto, A. "Front-end Analog Pre-processing for Real-Time Psychophysiological Stress Measurements". (2005). 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 05), July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, Florida. Volume V, pp. 218 - 221.

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., and Sesin, M. A. "Source Localization of Brain Activity Related to Epileptic Seizure". WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, p. 987, vol. 2, (2005).

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Nunez, K., Jayakar and I. Yaylali. "Integrated Study of Topographical Functional Based on an Auditory-Comprehension Paradigm Using an Eigensystem Study and Spectrum Analysis". Brain Topography, p. 151, vol. 17, (2005).

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., and Zhang, C. "Innovative Shot Boundary Detection for Video Indexing", (2005). Editor(s): Sagarmay Deb
    Video Data Management and Information Retrieval.
    pp. 217-236, Idea Group Publishing, ISBN: 1-59140546-7

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., and Zhao, N. "An Enhanced Query Model for Soccer Video Retrieval Using Temporal Relationships". 21st International Conference On Data Engineering (ICDE 2005), p. 1133, (2005).

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., Gray, I., and Luo, H. "An Adaptive Rate-Control Streaming Mechanism with Optimal Buffer Utilization". Journal of Systems and Software, Special Issue on Adaptive Multimedia Computing, p. 271, vol. 75, (2005).

  • Chin, C., and Barreto, A. "Neural Control of the Computer Cursor Based on Spectral Analysis of the Electromyogram". (2005). 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Arlington, VA, March 16-19, 2005. pp. 446 - 449.

  • Chin, C., and Barreto, A. "Signal Processing Approaches for EMG-based Hands-off Cursor Control". (2005). Proceedings of HCI International 2005, the 11th International Conference On Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NV, July 22-27, 2005, Human-Computer Interaction Track.

  • Chin, C., Barreto, A., Li, C., and Zhai, J. "Hands-Free Human Computer Interaction Via an Electromyogram-based Classification Algorithm". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 31, vol. 41, (2005).

  • Chin, C., Barreto, A., Zhai, J., and Li, C. "New Classification Algorithm for Electromyography-Based Computer Cursor Control System". (2005). 2005 IEEE SoutheastCon Conference, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL. pp. 428 - 432.

  • Choudhury, M., Barreto, A., and Alonso, M. "A Bioinstrumentaion System for the Identification of EEG Correlates of Tinnitus", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 169, vol. 41, (2005).

  • Choudhury, M., Barreto, A., and Alonso, M. "An Auditory Evoked Potential Measurement System to Study Tinnitus". (2005). 2005 IEEE SoutheastCon Conference, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL. pp. 169 - 173.

  • Choudhury, M. H., and Barreto, A. "A Recording System for the Study of Tinnitus Through Auditory Evoked Potentials". (2005). 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Arlington, VA, March 16-19, 2005. pp. 675 - 678.

  • Cremades, G., Tito, M., Adjouadi, M., and Barreto, A. "Use of EEG recordings as valid measures of kinesthetic and visual imagery ability", (2005). Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications -Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine.
    pp. 565 ? 575,vol. 8. World Scientific Publishing Co., May 2005, ISBN 981-256-148-X.

  • Ding, J., Xu, D., Deng, Y., and He, X. "Modeling and Analyzing a Mobile Agent-based Clinic Information System", International Journal of Intelligent Control Systems, p. 143, vol. 10, (2005).

  • Ding, J., Xu, D., Deng, Y., Clarke, P., and He, X. "Design of an Interoperable Mobile Agent System based on predicate Transition Net Model", (2005). the International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
    Taipei, Taiwan

  • Ding, J., Dai, Z., Wang, J., and He, X. "Formally Modeling and Analyzing a Secure Mobile Agent Finder", (2005). the IEEE Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics.

  • Dong, Z., Fu, Y., and He, X. "UML Consistency Checking through Transformation based Petri Net Framework", (2005). Workshop on Consistency in Model Driven Engineering.

  • Ege, R., and Yang, L. "Security Enforced Mediation Systems for Data Integration", INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, p. 1, vol. 2, (2005).

  • Ezenwoye, O., Ege, R. K., Kharma, Q., Yang, L., and Siddique, S. "Electing a Global Mediator in a Three-Layer Mediator", (2005). IEEE SoutheastCon 2005 Conference.
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta, N., and Rishe, N. "Enhanced Modeling of Head-Related Impulse Responses Towards the Development of Customizable Sound Spatialization". (2005). WSEAS / IASME International Conference On Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS-05), Miami, Florida, USA, November 17-19, 2005. pp. 82 - 87.

  • Faller II, K. J., Prendes, J., and Barreto, A. "Platform Independent Implementation of 3D-Sound Computer Interface Icons for Subjects with Visual Impairments". (2005). 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 05), July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, Florida. Volume I, pp. 415 - 419.

  • Faller II, K. J., Barreto, A., Gupta N., and Rishe N. "Decomposition and Modeling of Head-Related Impulse Responses for Customized Spatial Audio", WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 354, vol. 1, (2005).

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., and He, X. "A Methodology of Automated Realization of A Software Architecture Design", (2005). the International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
    Taipei, Taiwan

  • Fu, Y., Dong, Z., and He, X. "An Approach to Validation of Software Architecture", (2005). the 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference.
    Taipei, Taiwan

  • Gui, F., Zong, N.,and Adjouadi, M. "Dynamic Neural Network Based Algorithm for Context Awareness in Mobile Computing". WSEAS Transactions on Communications, p. 629, vol. 4, (2005).

  • He, X., and Murata, T. "High-Level Petri Nets: Extensions, Analysis, and Applications", (2005). Editor(s): Wai-Kai Chen
    The Electrical Engineering Handbook.
    Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, 459-476

  • He, X. "A Framework for Ensuring System Dependability from Design to Implementation", (2005). 3rd International Workshop on Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems.
    Miami, Florida

  • He, X. "Formalizing and Analyzing UML Use Case Diagrams using Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets", (2005). Editor(s): Hongji Yang
    Software Evolution with UML and XML.
    The Idea Group Publishing, 2005, 151-179.

  • Kharma, Q., Ege, R. K., Ezenwoye, O., and Yang, L. "Data Integration in a Three-Layer Mediation Framework", (2005). IEEE SoutheastCon 2005 Conference.
    Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "Integrated 3D Expression Recognition and Face Recognition". (2005). IEEE International Conference On Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS '05) - Workshop, Xian, China, December 15 - 19, 2005. pp. 221 - 226.

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "Profile-Based 3-D Face Registration and Recognition". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 484, vol. 3506, (2005).

  • Li, C., Barreto, A., Zhai, J., and Chin, C. "Exploring Face Recognition by Combining 3D Profiles and Contours". (2005). 2005 IEEE SoutheastCon Conference, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL. pp. 576 - 579.

  • Lingala, S., Adjouadi, M., Mourad, M., and Rishe, N. "Modified Watershed Transform". WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 398, vol. 1, (2005).

  • Mourad, M., and Adjouadi, M. "Localization of Brain Activation As Reflected Through Integration Of Optical Topography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging", (2005). Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications - Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine.
    Vol. 8 , pp. 588-599. World Scientific Publishing Co., May 2005, ISBN 981-256-148-X

  • Mourad, M., Adjouadi, M., and Yaylali, I. "A Projection Approach of Optical Topographic Maps to the Cortical Surface of the Brain", (2005). conference 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering.
    pp. 13-16

  • Mourad, M., Adjouadi, M., Yaylali, I., Ayala M., and Rishe, N. "An Interface for Analyzing and Integrating Different Imaging Modalities". WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, p. 392, vol. 1, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Gutierrez, M., Selivonenko, A., and Graham, S. "TerraFly: A Tool for Visualizing and Dispensing Geospatial Data". Imaging Notes, p. 22, vol. 20, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Barreto, A., Wolfson, O., Chekmasov, M., Vasilevsky, D., Graham, S., and Sood, S. "Semantic Database Engine Design", 7th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2005, p. 433, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Barreto, A., Wolfson, O., Chekmasov, M., Vasilevsky, D., Graham, S., and Sood, S. "Object ID Distribution and Encoding in the Semantic Binary Engine". 7th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2005, p. 279, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Adjouadi, M., Wolfson, O., Chekmasov, M., Vasilevsky, D., Graham, S., and Hernandez, D. "Storage Types in the Semantic Binary Database Engine". 7th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2005, p. 437, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Adjouadi, M., Wolfson, O., Chekmasov, M., Vasilevsky, D., Graham, S., and Hernandez, D. "XML-Based Semantic Database Definition Language". 7th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2005, p. 197, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Oleg Joukov, Canas, C., Selivonenko, A., Pierre, K., and Brito, A. "Information Defense Technology on the Base of Modular Algebra". 2nd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2005, p. 76, vol. II, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Wolfson, O., Wongsaroj, B., Selivonenko, A., Sun, Y., Morren, K., Chekmasov, M., Graham, S., Haynes, R., Pierre, K., and Brito, A. "Mesh Simplification Algorithm for Online 3D GIS". 2nd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2005, p. 84, vol. II, (2005).

  • Rishe, N., Sun, Y., Wongsaroj, B., Selivonenko, A., Adjouadi, M., Barreto, A., Haynes, R., Chekmasov, M., Graham, S., Pierre, K., and Brito, A. "Level of Detail Control and Multi-Resolution Model for Online 3D GIS". 2nd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2005, p. 80, vol. II, (2005).

  • Sanchez, D., Adjouadi, M., Bernal, B., and Altman, N. "Three-Dimensional Technique for Automatic Brain Segmentation of the Ventricles Based on Optimal Histogram Thresholds of MRI". WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 744, vol. 4, (2005).

  • Sanchez, M., Rishe, N., Morren, K., and Joseph, W. "Towards the Storage of Geospatial Data with the Semantic Binary Model and Virtual Quadrilaterals". 2nd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2005, p. 89, vol. II, (2005).

  • Siddique, S., Ege, R. K., and Sadjadi, M. "X-Communicator: Implementing an advanced adaptive SIP-based User Agent for Multimedia Communication", (2005). Proc. IEEE SoutheastCon 2005 Conference.
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Steinhof, R.f, Gallon, A., Smith III, C. Rishe, N., Sand elivonenko, A. "Improving Eigenface Face Recognition by using Image Registration Preprocessing Methods", 2nd International Conference On Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2005, p. 93, vol. II, (2005).

  • Wolfson, O., B Xu, H. Yin, and Rishe, N. "Resource Discovery Using Spatio-temporal Information in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks". Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, 5th International Workshop, W2GIS 2005, p. 129, (2005).

  • Yang, L., and Rishe, N. "Transforming Sem-ODM Semantic Schemas to DTDs". 43rd ACM Southeast Conference, ACMSE 2005, p. 237, vol. 1, (2005).

  • Yang, L., Yu, H., and Ege, R. "Dynamic Integration Strategy for Mediation Framework", (2005). Intl. Conf. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE'05).
    Taipei, Taiwan

  • Yang, L., Ege, R. K., and Yu, H. "Modeling and Verifying Mediation Framework", (2005). The 10th IEEE International Conference On the Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS?05).
    Shanghai, China

  • Yang, L., Ege, R. K., and Yu, H. "Security specification and enforcement in heterogeneous databases", (2005). The 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC?05).
    Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • Yu, H., Liu, D., Yang, L., and He, X. "Formal Aspect-oriented Modeling and Analysis by AspectZ", (2005). the International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
    Taipei, Taiwan

  • Yu, H., He, X., Yang, L., and Gao, S. "Secure Software Architecture Design by Aspect Orientation", (2005). The 10th IEEE International Conference On the Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS?05).
    Shanghai, China

  • Zabawa, M. C., Adjouadi, M., and Rishe, N. "SystemC Co-Design for Image Compression: Fast Discrete Cosine Transform using Distributed Arithmetic". WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 477, vol. 4, (2005).

  • Zhai, J., Barreto, A., Chin, C., and Li, C. "User Stress Detection in Human-Computer Interactions", Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 277, vol. 41, (2005).

  • Zhai, J., and Barreto, A. "Concurrent Analysis of Physiologic Variables for the Assessment of the Affective State of a Computer User". (2005). Proceedings of HCI International 2005, the 11th International Conference On Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NV, July 22-27, 2005, Human-Computer Interaction Track.

  • Zhai, J., and Barreto, A. "Instrumentation for Automatic Monitoring of Affective State in Human-Computer Interaction". (2005). 18th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2005), Clearwater Beach, FL, May 15 - 17, 2005. pp. 207-212.

  • Zhai, J., Barreto, A., Chin, C., and Li, C. "Realization of Stress Detection using Psychophysiological Signals for Improvement of Human-Computer Interactions". (2005). 2005 IEEE SoutheastCon Conference, April 8-10, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, FL. pp. 415 - 420.

  • Zhu, H., and He, X. "A Methodology for Component Integration Testing", (2005). Editor(s): Sami Beydeda and Volker Gruhn
    Testing Commercial-off-the-Shelf Components and Systems.
    Springer, 2005, 239-272.

  • Zong, N., Gui, F., and Adjouadi, M. "A New Clustering Algorithm of Large Datasets with O(N) Computational Complexity", (2005). conference 5th International Conference Intelligent Systems Design and Applications-ISDA.
    pp. 79-82

  • Zong, N., Adjouadi, M., and Ayala, M. "Artificial Neural Networks Approaches for Multidimensional Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Gene Expression Samples", WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, p. 1071, vol. 2, (2005).

  • Adjouadi, M., and Ayala, M. "Introducing Neural Studio: An Artificial Neural Networks Simulator for Educational Purposes". Computers in Education Journal, p. 33, vol. 14, (2004).

  • Adjouadi, M., Sesin, M. A., Ayala, M., and Cabrerizo, M. "Remote Eye Gaze Tracking System as a Computer Interface for Persons with Severe Motor Disability". Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, in Computers Helping People with Special Needs, p. 761, (2004).

  • Adjouadi, M., Landestoy, D., Ayala, M., and Tischer, W. "A Real-Time Voice Controlled Human Computer Interface to Help persons with Motor Disability". Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, in Computers Helping People with Special Needs, p. 804, (2004).

  • Adjouadi, M., Sanchez, D., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P., Yaylali, I., and Barreto, A. "Interictal Spike Detection Using the Walsh Transform". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, p. 868, vol. 51, (2004).

  • Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Sanchez, D., Ayala, M., Jayakar, P., and Barreto, A. "A New Mathematical Approach based on Orthogonal Operators for the Detection of Interictal Spikes in Epileptogenic Data". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 175, vol. 40, (2004).

  • Adjouadi, M., Cabrerizo, M., Ayala, M., and Nunez, K. "An Approach to Functional Brain Mapping Using an Inverse Solution Based on the Principal Component Transform", (2004). conference Inverse Problems, Design And Optimization (IPDO) Symposium.
    Rio de Janeiro

  • Adjouadi, M., and Docurro, M. "Integrating Computers and Holography for Three-Dimensional Autostereoscopic Imaging", (2004). conference 7th IASTED International Conference On Computer Graphics And Imaging ~CGIM 2004.

  • Adjouadi, M., Mirkovic, N., Cabrerizo, M., and Ayala, M. "An Inverse Solution To 3-D Source Localization Of Epileptic Foci Using An Integrated Multimodal Neuro-Imaging Approach", (2004). conference Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO) Symposium.
    Rio de Janeiro

  • Aguerrevere, D., Choudhury, M., and Barreto, A. "Portable 3D Sound / Sonar Navigation System for Blind Individuals". (2004). Proceedings of LACCET- 2004, Second LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, 2-4 June 2004, Miami, Florida, USA.

  • Alonso, M., and Barreto, A. "An Improved Method of Pre-Deblurring Digital Images Towards the Pre-Compensation of Refractive Errors". WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 487, vol. 3, (2004).

  • Alonso, M. Jr., and Barreto, A. "An Image Processing Approach to Pre-compensation for Higher-Order Aberrations in the Eye". Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 14, vol. 2, (2004).

  • Alonso, M. Jr., Barreto, A., and Cremades, J. G. "Image Pre-Compensation to Facilitate Computer Access for Users with Refractive Errors". (2004). 6th international ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '04), October 18-20, 2004, Atlanta, GA. pp. 126 - 132.

  • Ayala, M., Adjouadi, M., Yaylali, I., and Jayakar, P. "An Optimization Approach to Recognition of Epileptogenic Data Using Neural Networks with Simplified Input Layers". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 181, vol. 40, (2004).

  • Barreto, A., and Choudhury, M. "A Sonar-Based Omni Directional Obstacle Detection System Designed for Blind Navigation", WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, p. 480, vol. 3, (2004).

  • Barreto, A., and Gupta, N. "Dynamic Modeling of the Pinna for Audio Spatialization", WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music, p. 77, vol. 1, (2004).

  • Barreto, A., Li, C., and Zhai, J. "Computer Evaluation of Exercise Based on Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) Waveform Changes", WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, p. 120, vol. 1, (2004).

  • Barreto, A., and Zhai, J. "Physiologic Instrumentation for Real-time Monitoring of Affective State of Computer Users". WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, p. 496, vol. 1, (2004).

  • Barreto, A., Li, C., and Zhai, J. "Computer Evaluation of Exercise Based on Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) Waveform Changes". WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, p. 120, vol. 1, (2004).

  • Cabrerizo, M., Adjouadi, M., Nunez, K., Yaylali, I., and Jayakar, P. "An Integrated Auditory-Comprehension Process Augmented through Topographical Maps and a New Eigensystem Study". Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, p. 187, vol. 40, (2004).

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., Chen, M., and Zhang, C. "A Decision Tree-based Multimodal Data Mining Framework for Soccer Goal Detection". IEEE International Conference On Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2004), p. 265, (2004).

  • Choudhury, M., Aguerrevere, D., and Barreto, A. "A Pocket-PC Based Navigational Aid for Blind Individuals". (2004). Proceedings of VECIMS-04 IEEE Int. Conf. On Virtual Environments, Human Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems. July 12-14, 2004, Boston, MA, USA. pp. 43 - 48.

  • Cremades, G., Sanchez, D., Adjouadi, M., and Barreto, A. "Human-computer interfaces with regional lower and upper alpha frequencies as on-line indexes of mental activity". Computers in Human Behavior, p. 569, vol. 20, (2004).

  • Dai, Z., He, X., Ding, J., and Gao, S. "Modeling and Analyzing Security Protocols in SAM: A Case Study". (2004). IASTED International Conference On Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2004). Cambridge, MA.

  • Deng, Y., Wang, J., He, X., and Tsai, J. "Constraint Propagation and Progressive Verification for Component-based Process Model". International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, p. 471, vol. 14, (2004).

  • Deng, Z., and Smith, G. "Lenient Array Operations for Practical Secure Information Flow ", (2004). Proc. IEEE Computer Security Foundations Worksho.
    Pacific Grove, California

  • Ege, R. K., Yang, L., Kharma, Q., and Ni, X. "Three-layered Mediator Architecture based on DHT", (2004). International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN).
    Hong Kong

  • Ezenwoye, O., Ege, R. K., Yang, L., and Kharma, Q. "A Mediation Framework for Multimedia Delivery", (2004). Third International Conference On Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM2004).
    College Park, Maryland

  • Gao, S., Deng, Y., Yu, H., He, X., Beznosov, K., and Cooper, K., "Applying Aspect-Orientation in Designing Security Systems - A Case Study", (2004). International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 2004.
    Banff, Canada

  • Gupta, N., Barreto, A., and Choudhury, M. "Modeling Head-Related Transfer Functions Based on Pinna Anthropometry". (2004). Proceedings of LACCET-2004, Second LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, 2-4 June 2004, Miami, Florida, USA.

  • Haruechaiyasak, C., Shyu, M., and Chen, S. "A Data Mining Framework for Building A Web-Page Recommender System". 2004 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'2004), p. 357, (2004).

  • He, X., Yu, H., Shi, T., Ding, J., and Deng, Y. "Formally Analyzing Software Architectural Specifications Using SAM". Journal of Systems and Software, p. 11, vol. 71, (2004).

  • He, X., Yu, H., Shi, T., Ding, J., and Deng, Y. "Formally Analyzing Software Architectural Specifications Using SAM", Journal of Systems and Software, p. 11, vol. 71, (2004).

  • Herrera, A., A. Bernal, D. Isaza, and Adjouadi, M. "Design of an Electrical Prosthetic Gripper using EMG and Linear Motion Approach", (2004). conference FCRAR-2004, Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, University of Central Florida.
    Session TP2.

  • Landestoy, D., Adjouadi, M., Ayala M., and Tischer, W. "Hands-off Use of Computer towards Universal Access through Voice Controlled Human-Computer Interface", WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 1598, vol. 3, (2004).

  • Li, C., and Barreto, A. "Face Registration and Recognition Using Profiles in 3D Range Images". (2004). International Conference On Information Systems: New Generations (ISNG 2004), November 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA. pp. 73 - 78.

  • Luo, H., Shyu, M., and Chen, S. "An End-to-End Video Transmission Framework with Efficient Bandwidth Utilization". IEEE International Conference On Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2004), p. 623, (2004).

  • Dezulueta, M., and Adjouadi, M. "Use Of Threat Modeling When Architecting A Healthcare System", (2004). conference 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-2004).
    Orlando, FL

  • Prendes, J., and Barreto, A. "Platform-independent 3D Sound Iconic Interface to Facilitate Access of Visually Impaired Users to Computers". (2004). Proceedings of LACCET-2004, Second LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, 2-4 June 2004, Miami, Florida, USA.

  • Rishe, N., Wongsaroj, B., Chekmasov, M., Sanchez, M., Ugboma, E., Smith, C., and Jean-Gilles, M. "Access to Geo-Referenced Data via TerraFly Imagery and Data Dispenser". 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 58, vol. VIII, (2004).

  • Rishe, N., Chekmasov, M., Wongsaroj, B., W. Pinckney, Jean-Gilles, M., and Hernandez, D., "TerraAtlas as a Tool for Emergency Management", 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 52, vol. VIII, (2004).

  • Rishe, N., Sun, Y., Chekmasov, M., Selivonenko, A., and Graham, S. "System Architecture for 3D TerraFly Online GIS". IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE2004), p. 273, (2004).

  • Rossman, M., Adjouadi, M., Ayala, M., Yaylali, I., and Jayakar, P. "A Technique for Automated Localization of Epileptic Foci Using SPECT Image Subtraction". WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 1274, vol. 3, (2004).

  • Sesin, M. A., Ayala, M., Cabrerizo, M., and Adjouadi, M. "Jitter Reduction in Eye Gaze Tracking System and Conception of a Metric for Performance Evaluation". WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 1268, vol. 3, (2004).

  • Shyu, M., Ravitz, G., and Chen, S. "Unit Detection in American Football TV Broadcasts Using Average Energy of Audio Track". IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE), p. 193, (2004).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., and Rubin, S. H. "Stochastic Clustering for Organizing Distributed Information Source". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, p. 2035, vol. 34, (2004).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Chen, M., and Zhang, C. "A Unified Framework for Image Database Clustering and Content-based Retrieval". Second ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Databases (ACM MMDB 2004), p. 19, (2004).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Chen, M., and Zhang, C. "Affinity Relation Discovery in Image Database Clustering and Content-based Retrieval". ACM Multimedia 2004 Conference, p. 372, (2004).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Chen, M., and Rubin, S. H. "Affinity-Based Similarity Measure for Web Document Clustering". 2004 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'2004), p. 247, (2004).

  • Weiting, C., and Adjouadi, M. "Boundary Artifact Minimization on Best Matching Blocks in Wavelet-Based Video Compression". WSEAS Transactions on Computers, p. 1361, vol. 3, (2004).

  • Wongsaroj, B., Rishe, N., Chekmasov, M., Egboma, E., W. Pinckney, Haynes, R., and De Felipe, I. "Supporting Emergency Response Teams with TerraFly over Wireless Networks". 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 67, vol. VIII, (2004).

  • Wongsaroj, B., Rishe, N., Chekmasov, M., Ugboma, E., Morisseau-Leroy, N. and Iyalomhe, O. "Geographic Information Systems in Historical Tree Cover Studies". 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 72, vol. VIII, (2004).

  • Wongsaroj, B., Rishe, N., Chekmasov, M., Knight, T. and Ruggiero, Y. "TerraFly: a Teaching Device for Emergency Evacuation". 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, p. 63, vol. VIII, (2004).

  • Yang, L., and Rishe, N. "XQuery Translation to Sem-SQL". 2004 International Conference On Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'04), p. 185, (2004).

  • Yang, L., and Rishe, N. "A Flexible and Effective XML Storage and Retrieval System". Proceedings of IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, p. 227, (2004).

  • Yang, L., and Ege, R. K. "Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Mediation Systems", (2004). Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC.
    Arlington, Virginia

  • Yang, L., Ege, R. K., and Yu, H. "Enhancing Mediation security by Aspect-Oriented Approach", (2004). International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE).
    Banff, Alberta, Canada

  • Yang, L., Ege, R. K., Ezenwoye, O. and Kharma, Q. "A Role-Based Access Control Model for Information Mediation", (2004). The 2004 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI-2004).
    Las Vegas, NV

  • Yu, H., He, X., Deng, Y., and Mo, L. "A Formal Approach to Design Secure Software Architectures", (2004). IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Conference.
    Tampa, FL.

  • Yu, H., He, X., Deng, Y., and Mo, L. "Integrating Security Administration into Software Architecture Design", (2004). International Conference On Software Engineering and Knowledge Enginering 2004.
    Banff, Canada

  • Zhang, C., Chen, S., and Shyu, M. "Multiple Object Retrieval for Image Databases Using Multiple Instance Learning and Relevance Feedback". IEEE International Conference On Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2004), p. 775, (2004).

  • Zong, A., and Adjouadi, M. "Evaluating Misclassification Ratios in Region Identification in Flow Cytometry Data Using an SVM Based on Neural Network", (2004). conference 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-2004).
    Orlando, FL

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., Zhao, N., and Zhang, C. "Component-Based Design and Integration of a Distributed Multimedia Management System". 2003 IEEE International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'2003), p. 485, (2003).

  • Chen, S., Shyu, M., Peeta, S, and Zhang, C. "Learning-Based Spatio-Temporal Vehicle Tracking and Indexing for Transportation Multimedia Database Systems". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, p. 154, vol. 4, (2003).

  • Shyu, M., Chen, S., Chen, M., Zhang, C., and Shu, C. "MMM: A Stochastic Mechanism for Image Database Queries". IEEE Fifth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE2003), p. 188, (2003).

  • Zhang, C., Chen, S., and Shyu, M. "PixSO: A System for Video Shot Detection". Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference On Multimedia, p. 1, (2003).

  • Zhang, C., Chen, S., Shyu, M., and Peeta, S. "Adaptive Background Learning for Vehicle Detection and Spatio-Temporal Tracking". Fourth IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference On Multimedia, p. 1, (2003).

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This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers HRD-0317692 and HRD-0833093. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2003-2010 Florida International University